Widely used in daily life of the blister tray
Blister packing will be in the daily, will have a use for it, can have very possess extensive forms to apply to the meaning.
When you can know for PVC are shaping is a form of plastic products.
Certainly can still have their a in which the action of the main advantages of meaning.
, after all, is a product like this will be a large number of widely pay attention to the development of the industry.
High quality flocking blister of pure nylon material lining, is used to replace traditional foam inserts + flannelette, flocking flocking blister can shape surface has the effect of the flannelette.
Can also be in blister linings of can directly reflect the graphics and text, such as corporate LOGO and name, is to improve the products and improve the corporate image.
Widely used in daily life of the blister tray from can be found as, from will is can clearly understand that.
Actually just can go to learn, to a major awareness between things.
Also are also belongs to could be part of the use of a relative meaning.
From the can meet in shenzhen a relatively use PVC blister.
Blister packaging products is the inside of the packaging category, currently on the market of the common products are: daily necessities blister packaging, hardware blister packaging, blister packaging, automotive supplies electronic product blister blister blister packaging, food packaging, cosmetics packaging, computer peripheral equipment blister packaging, blister packaging, sporting goods, toys blister packaging, stationery, blister packaging, etc.
The use effect of blister packaging is to be able to beautify the goods, load the goods and to promote sales.
Use good, use big also led blister packaging industry development trend.
Blister packaging products from the function can be divided into two categories: one.
To display, protection, automatic vacuum molding machine transparent series, for the purpose of beautification product packaging products for small commodities, put or hanging in the supermarket shelves, choose good PET and PVC material for more transparency, products include: masks, card blister, suction card blister, heat sealing double blister, folded double blister and transparent folding boxes;
To protect, separation, shockproof, foil trays, blister box series, for the purpose of packaging products for electronics, IT, industrial parts and cosmetics, selection of materials for PS, products include: tray, inside, blister box, flocking blister, antistatic blister, conductive blister tray blister packaging products is the inside of the packaging category, currently on the market of the common products are: daily necessities blister packaging, hardware blister packaging, blister packaging, automotive supplies electronic product blister blister blister packaging, food packaging, cosmetics packaging, computer peripheral equipment blister packaging, blister packaging, sporting goods, toys blister packaging, stationery, blister packaging, etc.
The use effect of blister packaging is to be able to beautify the goods, load the goods and to promote sales.
Use good, use big also led blister packaging industry development trend.
Blister packaging products from the function can be divided into two categories: one.
To display, protection, automatic vacuum molding machine transparent series, for the purpose of beautification product packaging products for small commodities, put or hanging in the supermarket shelves, choose good PET and PVC material for more transparency, products include: masks, card blister, suction card blister, heat sealing double blister, folded double blister and transparent folding boxes;
To protect, separation, shockproof, foil trays, blister box series, for the purpose of packaging products for electronics, IT, industrial parts and cosmetics, selection of materials for PS, products include: tray, inside, blister box, flocking blister, antistatic blister, conductive blister tray
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