Common vacuum forming machine
Vacuum molding machine four structural elements
One of the major factors of vacuum forming machine structure: synthetic resin.
It is the most main plastic components, its content is in commonly 40% ~ 100% in plastic.
And, because of the large content of resin and often determine the nature of the properties of plastic, so people often put the resin as a synonym for plastic.
Such as PVC resin and PVC plastic, phenolic resin and phenolics confuse STH with STH else.
Actually, resins and plastics are two different concepts.
Resin is a kind of unprocessed raw polymers, it not only used to make plastics, and coatings, adhesives and synthetic fiber materials.
And plastic in addition to very few part of the resin containing 100%, the vast majority of plastic, in addition to the main components of resin, also need to join other substances.
Structural elements # 2: packing.
It is also called filling agent, can improve the strength and heat resistance of plastics, and reduce costs.
Such as phenolic resin after adding wood powder can significantly reduce costs, make the phenolic plastic become one of the most cheap plastic, at the same time also can significantly improve the mechanical strength.
Packing can be divided into two categories, organic filler and inorganic filler, the former wood structural elements such as # 3: plasticizer.
Vacuum forming machine it can increase the plastic plasticity and softness, reduce the brittleness, easy plastic processing and molding.
Plasticizer is commonly miscibility with resin, non-toxic, odourless, optical and thermal stability of high boiling point of organic compounds, the most commonly used is phthalic acid esters.
When the production of PVC plastic, for example, if add more can get soft PVC plastic plasticizer, if don't add or less add plasticizer (
Use & lt;
, the hard PVC plastic.
Vacuum forming machine structure elements of 4: stabilizing agent.
In order to prevent the synthetic resin in the process of processing and use by the role of light and heat decomposition and damage, prolong service life, and to add stabilizer in plastics.
Commonly used with stearic acid salt, epoxy resin, etc.
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