Common vacuum forming machine
Vacuum forming machine of machine maintenance
Abstract: machine tool maintenance and maintenance of vacuum forming machine, vacuum forming and hot forming, the forming process is mainly generated by vacuum pump vacuum suction will soften after PVC, PET, PETG, APTT, PP, PE, PS etc hot plasticity plastic sheet after vacuum forming mould into various shapes of vacuum hood, or stick attached to various shapes the surface of the product.
Vacuum forming according to the thickness of the sheet is divided into thin slices of vacuum forming and thick piece of vacuum forming.
1, the machine should be kept clean.
2, time to get off work table panel, cleaning the table base and vacuum filter in the dust, make the vacuum pipe flow.
3, check the quartz tube working condition of electric heating plate, timely replacement of damaged quartz tube.
4, regular air source sanlian pieces from the filter in the water, in a suitable amount of lubricating oil, oil mist device listed and moderate flow rate to the oil mist.
5, keep in the vacuum pump oil level, appropriate oil level is too high, oil will overflow from vent, low vacuum degree of vacuum pump can not meet the requirements and also lead to damage of vacuum pump, vacuum pump maintenance can be found in the vacuum pump operation instruction.
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