Common vacuum forming machine
Vacuum forming machine in encountered in the operation of the vacuum degree not to solution
Vacuum forming machine widely used in plastic industry, as less investment, wide application of heat molding equipment, its working process is simple, easy to operation and maintenance, as a mechanical device, the hard to avoid can appear a few little faults in the operation of the processing, vacuum system as the core of a vacuum forming machine, what should not to meet a vacuum to solve?
Small make up is based on many years of experience in operating machinery and equipment master, summarized as follows: first, to find the reason, from the four parts of the vacuum forming machine for check: gas circuit, electromagnetic valve, vacuum pump motor belt, vacuum gauge, then you can according to the inspection status of the vacuum forming machine to deal with the problem, often commonly: vacuum molding machine pneumatic impassability, electromagnetic valve is fully open, vacuum forming machine, vacuum pump motor belt is not tight, out of in situ, vacuum forming machine, vacuum table not useful, 'he said.
Can make the vacuum forming machine work without resolving these problems is not stable, easy to produce defective products.
For example: membrane absorption when the position is not accurate;
Vacuum forming machine haven't started to suck, membrane is automatically lift down, the solution: 1, keep the vacuum forming machine gas path unobstructed;
2, close vacuum molding machine electromagnetic valve;
3, vacuum forming machine, vacuum pump motor to return fastening belt, is no need to change;
4, to vacuum molding machine with a high quality vacuum gauge.
More than just a vacuum molding machine cannot work on vacuum treatment, vacuum forming machine work long hard to avoid can have small problem, the quality problem that is not itself.
And yet every problems are when it is important to screen in time, it's not difficult to deal with.
In a vacuum molding machine before using, when using, after using the three links, if operator corresponding ready for vacuum molding machine overhaul, proper operation and maintenance at 3 o 'clock, can not only ensure the vacuum forming machine, more efficient work, can greatly reduce the cost of maintenance.
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