Common vacuum forming machine
The United States developed an infinite loop plastic thermoforming machine
Recently, researchers from the United States at Colorado state university personnel examination revealed performance in sichuan chengdu net weifang do website, they have recently developed a kind of chemical recycling method, plastic thermoforming machine can be decomposed into & lsquo;
Building & rsquo;
After purification the again into plastic thermoforming machine.
And the ever popular plastic thermoforming machine, would persist as the number of recycling and loss.
These plastic thermoforming machine after mechanical crushing, will have a low quality made in plastic thermoforming machine products.
For example, a transparent plastic thermoforming machine bottle after rework, can only be made into a lower grade of plastic thermoforming machine products, such as carpet or pile fabric.
Jian - Colorado state university
Dr Bo Zhu and his colleagues for existing plastic thermoforming machine is improved.
They finally identified the 2 kind of catalyst, can efficiently the hydrolysis of the polymer to form monomer, about 85% of the monomer can be repeated use.
At the university of Birmingham, UK, Andrew Dove has revealed performance: & other;
In the research of Dr Zhu and others used plastic thermoforming machine can use an infinite loop, without harmful impact on its performance.
It opened the door of the new world, after the service life of plastic thermoforming machine was no longer perceived as a waste, but can manufacturing high value products and to become the primary raw material of plastic thermoforming machine.
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