Common vacuum forming machine
The technological process of the forming machine to make shape - Union star packaging machinery
The technological process of the forming machine to make shape (1) closed modules: closed foaming mould when big bead material using the packaging material, often parting with pretest bead radius gap.
For when feeding compressed air from the air plug gap discharge, and conducive to bead fast fill the cavity.
When general steam heating, bead between air and condensed water and at the same time from the porosity and aperture discharge cavity.
When lost special bead is used, with small particle diameter, die without leaving gaps, bead between air and condensed water can only from the gas discharge cavity.
And leave a gap will make the parting surface to produce flash.
(2) preheating mold: preheat before loading when the mold is to reduce the bead foaming molding steam condensation, shortening the time of foam molding.
(3) material: open, dynamic model of the air chamber air outlet, the feeder of the compressed air through the mould of feeding mouth blow the pretest bubble bead into the mold cavity, after being bead filled the entire cavity, with plug plug mouth of feeding.
Loading is the basis of bead foam molding, improper feeding method, results in a bead in the cavity filling false or uneven, even if the molds and bead again good, also can cause defects.
Therefore, the method of charging is an important working procedure of foaming molding process.
The following 3 kinds of methods: a, material feeding method is generally used to fill.
Materials gun, use compressed air to bead suction cavity.
To a simple mould cavity, this method has good effect.
But for more complex mould, cannot make bead completely full of mold.
B, pressure filling when feeding is added stress on the bead, bead filled cavity and compactness.
C, negative pressure suction fill in material filling material on the back of the mold with negative pressure at the same time, by negative pressure traction and the dual role of the compressed air suction bead filled cavity.
In order to solve the problem of complex thin-walled shape bead material, also can be used more material gun loading methods at the same time.
For the above various charging methods, many material gun charging at the same time can get the best effect.
(4) to determine die steam heating steam into the air chamber, the porosity on the mold into the cavity between the bead of condensed water and air porosity driven cavity discharge by the mold wall.
(5) dynamic model steam steam into the dynamic model gas chamber, the porosity on the mold into the cavity between the bead of condensed water and air by the mold wall porosity from the cavity.
6, dynamic model through steam, dynamic model at the same time through and keep several seconds under the set pressure, bead heat softening inflation again full of cavity beads all gaps and mutual coherence between into a whole.
All landowners water cooling off steam, cooling water flux into solid at the same time, move mould chamber, after heating cooling mold to shape and mould temperature, typically below 80 ℃.
Today vacuum cooling water to cool off, open the vacuum shape further cooling, and can reduce the water content of appearance.
Pet-name ruby on open and demoulding open molding machine mold, selected the right means of modulus, water vapor superposition, mechanical plunger and vacuum sucker device to remove the appearance.
Molding note (1) choose steam pressure to consider the types of beads, specification, shape structure, ways of steam into the mould.
(2) according to the structural characteristics of the mould, choose suitable loading method.
Fill dissatisfaction easily lead to insufficient forming defects, too much will increase the density gradient of appearance.
(3) control of steam heat.
Overheating will air on the same bead rapidly expanding gas plug area, continue to hinder steam in diffusion, had better use micro overheating steam, infiltration bead in the dry state.
(4) with the steam of time.
A long time can lead to appearance on steam in contract on cooling.
(5) shape forming and then for cooling.
Until the appearance of internal temperature also cools enough to release.
Internal inflationary pressure will lead to appearance or shape expansion deformation.
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