Common vacuum forming machine
The main components of the extrusion sheet machine
Sheet machine is currently using more extrusion equipment, is also one of the more important the machine in the plastics machinery industry.
Sheet machine, also known as extruder, is one of the main operation element in molding machinery.
And extruder head is a major part of the plastic molding, here is to introduce the next part.
Two parts of the extrusion die including head and finalize the design die.
Starting from the role of the nose is a major part of the extrusion plastic molding parts, it makes the molten plastic from extruder by spiral movement into linear motion, and further plasticizing, necessary molding pressure, ensure parts is close-grained, thus they can obtain the continuous profile cross section shape is similar.
Stock mould of squeezed plastic parts from the system cup machine head although have established shape, the temperature is higher, but because the product deformation will happen due to the weight of lunch box machine, so you need to use the sizing device will be the shape of the parts for cooling to finalize the design, which can meet the requirements of the correct size, geometric shape and surface quality.
Usually adopt the method of cooling, pressure or vacuum, from the mouth mould of plastic extrusion in established shape stabilized, and finishing, so that more light to get more accurate cross section size, surface of plastic parts.
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