Common vacuum forming machine
The common problems when blister and processing method Union star packaging machinery
Automatic vacuum molding machine by means of printed on white cardboard or flipchart oil, after heated to melt temperature, can be the plastic blister with glue, paper coating layer.
When pull open packaging, destroy the interface should be in the interior of the paper layer 5, as long as the plastic stick paper layer, the packing in order to be successful, and the coating of coated white board paper strength is higher than the layer of paper strength talents satisfied performance requirements of the packaging.
Building work the effect not beautiful is often because the cause of damage interface not occur within the whiteboard paper layer.
Detailed situation to analysis in detail: 1, when torn open packaging, damage occurred in the whiteboard paper coating interface appearance, clarify the paper looks low strength of coating and coating closed tightly, oil is difficult to penetrate the inside paper.
2, when pull open packing materials, surface of damage on the whiteboard paper thickness of 1/2, 1/3, the effect is good.
3, when torn open packaging, damage occur in the reservoir interface (
Embodied in stripping plastic without ink)
, paper coating appearance closed tight, the oil is hard to permeate inside paper.
4, when torn open packaging, destroy the interface in ink layer (
Embodied in the plastic zone of stripping the ink, paper but stripping the hair less)
, to clarify the paper coating strength than paper layer strength is low, may be the dosage of latex paint is not enough, undercoat combined with surface coating is not good, adhesive migration cause uneven coating strength.
Based on the above analysis, the factors affecting the effects of aqueous oil important has the following several aspects: paper, water, oil, printing process, technology, etc.
Au XingQuan automatic vacuum molding machine /
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