Suction machine have what use? - - - - - - Union star packaging machinery
Suction machine have what use?
A, mold and production of 1, use the tools and materials (
Tool: according to the thickness of the acrylic sheet, select the appropriate cutting tools generally cutter diameter is greater than 2 mm thickness of acrylic sheets.
Mould material: the use of different thickness of high-density plate (general
In fiber board)
, the other has a certain hardness easily processed plate can be used.
Second, mold processing,
Can use a advertising engraving machine processing molding (
Including the male die and female die)
Or use the curve saw the board that will pass the sample to form male die and female die cutting.
Mould engraving or cutting is completed, will be around the front of the male die and female die opposite edges of the surrounding edge with sandpaper file or trimming machine polishing smooth (
No edges and corners)
According to the height of convex will reverse the male mold cushioned, plus the thickness of the liner by female die than male mold liner thickness more than 5 mm.
Three, die placement positioning (
Negative or positive mold cavity die and the pad surface with sponge tape.
Select the appropriate position according to the size of the mould, male mold first stick on acrylic vacuum molding machine work platform, then adjust around the cavity die set on the male mold gap are the same, sponge adhesive tape on paper is uncovered, press down the switch make stick cavity die clamp on the activity, mould positioning is completed.
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