Special screw sheet machine
For sheet machine, spare parts requirements for the parts may not be high.
But the right screw is very important, because it affects the work sheet machine.
So what material is suitable for sheet machine of screw machine or boxes these machines?
There are two main types, respectively is alloy, nitride.
In particular has the dual alloy screw, bimetallic screws, metal screws, double metal screw cylinder, etc.
The hardness of alloy can meet the work sheet machine.
Alloy USES not only applies to the sheet machine also applies to other machinery such as the cup machine.
Within the cylinder hole is the main characteristic of the screw centrifugal casting, the thickness of the unilateral about 2.
5 -
3 mm, the screw surface spraying tungsten carbide alloy, unilateral about 1.
5 -
2 mm, etc.
In conclusion to choose the appropriate screw on the lid machine is very important.
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