Simple introduction of automatic vacuum molding machine accessories equipment
A complete set of automatic vacuum molding machine has a lot of accessories equipment, we simply introduce below: 1.
Heating equipment, vacuum thermoplastic plastic sheet and film forming process, is one of the main process sheet heating.
Thick slices of vacuum forming mechanical and electrical heating duration and quality of basic it is directly depends on the structure of the heater, after his radiation surface temperature of the heat transfer of thermal inertia, the distance between the sheet and heater, radiation can effectively absorb coefficient, and features on the surface of the heater and thermal physical properties of materials.
The most commonly used heater radiator consists of electric heater, crystal and infrared heater.
Second, vacuum forming machine, vacuum equipment, vacuum system mainly consists of vacuum pumps, valves, storage tanks, piping and vacuum gauge, etc, and then often are directly used in vacuum forming separate type vacuum pump, vacuum the basic of this pump can reach 0.
7 ~ 0.
09 Mpa(
The above.
In addition, the vacuum forming machine of gasholder are basically using thin plate welding cylindrical box body, bottom is oval in shape.
The storage tank has a capacity of basic than molding chamber on the large capacity of half maximum.
And on the road at the pipe of the vacuum, must be fitted with appropriate valves, vacuum is effectively controlled by narrow capacity.
Third, vacuum forming machine of compressed air equipment, vacuum forming machine of pneumatic system mainly by the machine itself with compressor, storage tanks, workshop director path sets, valve of this a few parts.
Molding machine also need pressure is about 0.
4 -
5 mpa compressed air, and all kinds of vacuum blister machine is mostly used the piston type air compressor.
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