Sheet machine highly creative development trend
With the rapid development of the era of commodity economy, the increasing of people's living standard, almost all of the goods leave the lid machine, packaging industry to become the hottest on the market is also the most competitive industry, the rapid development of packaging industry, however, also led to the development of packaging machinery and equipment, at the same time need to adapt to the development trend of packaging machinery industry.
As a packaging machinery sheet machine, has a highly innovative development in recent years.
Sheet machine, species diversity, complete functions, high efficiency, and environmental safety.
Not letter you see: SMC sheet machine is a new type of thermoset moulding plastics, the main production SMC sheet molded plastic, applied to transportation, building, electrical appliances, are necessary for the mechanical device thickening agent, filler, release agent, curing agent composed of polyester resin, such as dipping, glass fiber yarn, the two sides with mulch, form a sandwich structure of an increase of unsaturated polyester glass fiber composite materials production equipment.
Visible, no matter what type of sheet machine multi-function advantages of characteristic extremely.
Packaging machinery industry in China started relatively late, but after more than 20 years of innovation and development, the system of packaging machinery in the cup machine has become one of the top ten industries in mechanical industry, in order to guarantee the rapid development of packaging industry, our country of packaging machinery industry to adjust product structure, improve the ability of development in the new period.
After adjustment, the packaging machinery industry of China is continuously perfect, the packaging machinery industry also has a new breakthrough and innovation.
However as packaging machinery sheet machine and a machine to make a great contribution for the packaging industry.
Not letter you see: double screw sheet machine: unit advantages: applied to the production of PET sheet, reduce energy consumption in the process of the crystallization and dry, and is suitable for the secondary material production, high output, low energy consumption, the characteristics of optimal plasticizing.
Screw to the modular structure, multiple combination, application scope is widespread, not only adapted to the production of PET, but also suitable for PLA biodegradable material production.
Barrel with double outlet, vacuum exhaust, ensure water discharge fully.
Extruder equipped with melt metering pump quantitative output, and the set pressure and speed closed-loop automatic control.
The whole machine adopts PLC control, the actual parameter setting, data operation and feedback, alarm functions such as automatic.
Let's stay tuned as sheet machine highly innovative development of packaging machinery.
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