Sheet machine and cup machine forming method
Sheet machine also called extruder or thermoforming machine, is the use of more plastic machinery equipment.
It is forming method of extrusion forming, this is the place where it is different from other plastic machinery, such as making a cup of machine is forming, extrusion forming different with sheet machine.
Plastic machinery forming method determines that it can produce what kind of product, it is beyond doubt.
For the lunch box machine, system cup machine basic are forming, so you can think fast food packaging products belong to the forming process of a product, especially the pressure molding.
The forming of sheet machine is belong to hard plastic forming method, is suitable for hard PVC, PE and so on.
In a nutshell, molding machinery is the production of plastic machinery development since birth is rapid, convenient machinery, is also important in the fields of plastic machinery and packaging equipment, is a classic in machinery.
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