Sheet forming machine for industrial production of the main role
In industrial production, forming production (
To die as a basic tool to make the size and shape of the parts to obtain the required)
Has become the important foundation of industrial production and key links, in the electronic, automotive, electrical appliances, instruments, meters, sheet machine, household appliances and communication products, 60% -
70% of the components relies on die forming.
High production efficiency.
But also a lot of saving raw materials;
Machine this machine like boxes plastic forming materials can not only improve the internal structure and defect, still can make full use of the forming process of the direction of the formation of fibrous tissue, thereby significantly improve the mechanical properties of parts;
No longer for machining or only a small amount of machining, so the parts as light weight, high material utilization;
A good plastic parts design, often can be instead of several traditional structure, and can use its elasticity and toughness for card design, such as system cup machines, reduce all kinds of product assembly fasteners exponentially, greatly reduce the consumption of metal and processing.
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