Common vacuum forming machine
Push plastic thermoforming machine in the field of PLA biodegradable materials
Push plastic thermoforming machine in the field of PLA biodegradable material for plastic thermoforming machine is a kind of production high quality high standard plastic products of plastic thermoforming machine.
Many materials of high production requirements, has inevitability demands high standards of equipment.
Promote PLA biodegradable material production applications has become inevitable, slow degradation plastic feature makes increasingly severe environmental protection issue.
Several provinces have identified ban plastic products production and sales policy, PLA biodegradable material replacement on the agenda.
At this point, to promote the use of plastic thermoforming machine in blister industry is very important.
Whether temperature, molding function or production stability, plastic thermoforming machine production capacity is superior to vacuum molding machine.
Or, because of the suction machine have the function of limitation, plastic thermoforming machine replace become inevitable.
Blister manufacturer also should actively promote plastic thermoforming machine in PLA biodegradable materials in the field of practice.
Articles by: blister packaging machinery thermoforming machine rectification.
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