Mix machine operation and use the security sense
Mix machine in normal work, the first to add powder to mix, in the material the mix proportion is the largest and heavier smaller material is segmented feeding, do not put in beginning and the end, mixed time of 1 -
3 minutes.
Progressive pour water or liquid pigment, essence, etc.
Mix machine in suspended operations, turn over mix machine panel, spread out the bolt down the VAT.
After with the material feeder, eliminate the lower part of the mix machine residue, materials produced to ensure its quality, the motor load is forbidden, in order to ensure the machine normal operation.
The direction of the mixing machine of the lower part of the driving wheel to mix the material one to indicate the direction, mix machine in the job, don't allow or other items in my hand, and regularly check, maintain, mix machine.
Ban mixing machine put together with the inflammable, explosive, avoid the accident.
Also to mix machine lubrication to adhere to the normal operation of the machine, pay attention to the bearing temperature of mixing materials machine does not surpass 70 degrees are as normal.
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