Mechanical thick slices, to you is the principle of negative pressure suction machine
Thick slices are negative pressure suction machines in the exercise of the thermoplastic plastic film heating softening, after blowing bubble, vacuum forming in the mold, thought needed, its working process is: the manual feeding -
Compression -
Blow - heating
Blow -
Chassis rise -
Vacuum forming
Core pulling -
Reset -
Cooling -
Demoulding -
Take out products.
Part of the process description: heating: 1.
New fast preheating function, boot furnace preheating 5 minutes to do goods, not only obey to work progress and save power;
Feer is heater, quartz tube energy saving brick, brick save electricity 25% than traditional ceramic fever, from top to bottom and furnace heating, heating thermostatic fast, temperature control system by voltage solid-state voltage regulators, brick of hot temperature will not change by voltage fluctuation, and growth temperature probe inside the furnace, furnace temperature stability can be more intuitive observation;
Furnace zone of high temperature silicone seal design can keep for a long time in furnace heat loss, energy saving results of network marketing company, the hot stove by cylinder synchronous transmission, heating fast, steady work.
Lower die balance synchronizer, lower die by four gear synchronous parallel at a constant speed drive, ensure upper and lower die activity in the balance, to avoid tilt, affect product quality.
Complete vacuum system, including the vacuum chamber, vacuum pump, vacuum storage tanks, vacuum valve, regulating valve;
Blow mold release assembly, difficult to demould easily parting, decrease the damage should be parting, and the product of the scrap;
Secondary vacuum and vacuum time delay, according to different material in vacuum forming, can be arbitrary control.
Strong wind cold blast cooling, uniform cooling air volume is big, also equipped with cold water spray gun, spray atomization assembly, rapid cooling, cooling results can be adjusted according to the different products;
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