Material mechanics properties of sheet machine analysis ( Below)
Sheet machine is the production of plastic sheet, plastic molding products, main equipment, it by extrusion molding, pressure molding, such as classification, and these are involved in material mechanical properties, if there is no research, is difficult to make a good plastic products, so all the material to introduce a little machine, system cup machine production material strength analysis.
Materials under the action of external force, the ability to resist damage called strength.
When the material is limited by outside force, load and deformation, temperature, and so on will make its internal stress is produced.
When the stress increases to a certain value, the different material there will be two things: one is when the stress reaches a certain value (
The yield point)
After stress no longer increases could generate larger plastic shape, cost components use function, but did not reach the limit stress value.
The other is a stress for failing to make material appear to yield phenomenon directly reach the limit of stress value and appear rupture.
In both cases the stress value can be referred to as the strength of the material, such as the former construction steel to the yield point value as design basis of steel, and almost all of the brittle materials belongs to the latter, lunch box machine production material is belong to the latter.
Theoretically, material cause damage by external force is mainly caused by tension between particle combination of bond rupture or brittle, or generated on the surface of the grain boundary sliding.
Compression of material damage, is actually caused by internal pressure to produce tensile stress and shear stress and damage.
Various materials have very high strength theory.
This is the plastic molding machine can produce different shapes of the main principle of plastic products.
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