Many features vacuum forming machine
Vacuum forming machine in the old career, become promote the use of advanced industrial machinery, it has the effect of advertising on product often draw the outline of the degree of to get the ice.
The operation of the vacuum forming machine, the use of electric or hydraulic elevator control system of main hypothesis mentioned trivial, so from the stability of the floating plate, volatility, the task of strong pressure, in order to ensure more efficient and rapid.
Fine scales weak adsorption function is lost, in the absence of vacuum suction, vacuum forming machine can be interesting in the shape of a negative sense to continue, use rise more convenient.
With the mission of the national power can achieve optimal power consumption minimum standards.
Contain active beam broken thermostatic hardening box can be set according to the heating plate thereof.
Work fine scales fine scales using CNC fraud, in order to improve the compliance with workers held is useful.
Vacuum molding machine technology, absorbing cooling molding pressure at a time.
Can also be effectively according to the box, a word or alone alone inspiratory pressure, make the box, word forming at a time.
Therefore, to promote the wild card production supplies a lot of lunch.
Nature 1 single mold plastic mold production labor and materials, acrylic polymer plate machine, heating, softening, plastic, the cooling of the internal model placed directly above, once the enclosed 2 finish production mold can save labor, not to be no limit pressure mold made of Yin and Yang, the edge of the box or text smooth dry barren, stereo sense is strong.
3 dead positioning is simple, rough, do super fine print, no finished product, four automatic high standards: heating -
Mandatory thermostat -
Automatic sealing -
Automatic blister -
Automatic cooling -
Automatic stop - temperature
Suspended blisters.
The standard single-mode vacuum molding machine size can customize according to the customer is not desirable.
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