Common vacuum forming machine
Laminating machine, film of car body advertising posters
City bus is outdoor advertising media, to use on both sides of the body, the tail and head as display advertising media space.
And make posters manufacturer must be combined with the characteristics of the bus and protective film on the advertising posters to drench, make advertising posters can lasting.
The bus is to rely on outdoor dynamic advertising, liquidity as a result, the bus advertising has the effect of passing information is obvious.
However, whether the sunlight weather or thunder and rain weather, this is the bus the inevitable.
So bodywork posters use laminating machine in the process of making film can have the effect of prevent bodywork advertisement aging and damage, let the body more complete transfer the poster advertising intention, can also let the bus with perfect appearance in our city.
Life machine laminating film still has a lot of a lot, it have a very good protective film effect, to keep items like old time more long.
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