Is negative pressure suction molding machine molding equipment - Union star packaging machinery
Is negative pressure suction machine to produce a product, by different devices to form of collaborative manufacturing, are under the negative pressure molding machine manufacturer will give you a brief introduction of three types of related equipment: a, vacuum heating thermoplastic plastic sheet and film forming process, one of the main process is the sheet heating.
Electric heating duration and quality depends on the structure of the heater, after the appearance of radiation temperature of heat transfer of thermal inertia, the distance between the sheet and heater, radiation absorption coefficient and heater appearance characteristics and thermal physical properties of materials.
Commonly used radiator heater electric heater, crystal and infrared heater.
2 by the vacuum pump, vacuum equipment, vacuum system, storage tanks, valves, piping and vacuum gauge and so on, in vacuum forming to take separate type vacuum pump, this pump vacuum should reach zero.
7 ~ 0.
09 Mpa(
The above.
Gas-holder is generally with sheet steel welded cylindrical box, bottom is elliptical.
The capacity of the storage tank should be at least half than maximum molding chamber capacity.
You must have appropriate valves, vacuum tubes, to control the vacuum narrow capacity.
The rotation of the vacuum pump power is determined by the size of the molding equipment and forming speed, larger or molding equipment commonly used to 2 - fast
4 kw.
The central vacuum system of large factory in detail the requirements of the production and development.
Third, clamping equipment of plastic forming, sheet is fixed in the clamping device.
In hot forming of universal and composite thermoforming machine to facilitate more fixed clamping device of various kinds of size sheet.
Have a plenty of the whole machine with a set of clamping frame.
Clamping device can be divided into two kinds: one kind is frame type, another kind is split type.
Frame type clamping device is composed of upper and lower two frameworks.
Sheet between two frameworks.
Framework for open, under the framework of the general will remain fixed.
Simplex bit molding machine on the framework of each type of lower fixed on the molding room directly.
Parison and finished by hand out on the manual and semi-auto machine, when the frame size is very big, there are in safe operation within the framework of open scale device.
The larger parison forming glide, clamping force can in contrast wide scale adjustment, therefore, take two bags rubber roller, with the spring pressure to each other, and is equipped with a pressure adjusting device.
Continue's clamping piece molding machine is the zipper on both sides with the front and rear brake work together.
Clamping device best adopt automatic control, in order to action quickly, can help to improve product quality and efficiency.
Is negative pressure molding machine
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