Common vacuum forming machine
How to judge the merits of the vacuum forming products?
Any machine is not always perfect, vacuum forming machine is not exceptional also, vacuum forming machine may in some cases, the production of the products is not zero defects.
So how to product the discriminant?
From the several aspects to proceed with cutting.
Crystal: crystal is a kind of unhealthy phenomenon.
Refers to the products come out or raw materials with a transparent dots, when materials or manufactured products out there one transparent dots, represents bad raw materials or finished goods.
Drawing, drawing is a bad actually a vacuum forming products.
And it is very serious quality problem.
Specific refers to the vacuum forming product lines on the arch to the grain, the slot between the slot and a thread connected together.
Water lines: refers to the vacuum forming sheet production into the process of vacuum forming packaging, because of different materials and processing technology, make the finished goods like water at the surface of the corrugated, it especially in transparent vacuum forming die test appeared in the process of production, this situation is very common, but if when water ripple obviously is very big, and a lot of time, it is also seen as the product is unqualified, but most of the PVC have phenomenon of water ripple.
Scratches: this is bad phenomenon among them one, also vacuum forming packaging products more difficult to prevent a bad phenomenon.
This kind of situation will also cause lots of scrap rate of vacuum molding factory.
Specific refers to the vacuum forming products surface is scratch presents obvious traces, called scratch.
Suction does not reach the designated position, also belong to one of the undesirable phenomenon.
Refers to the production of finished goods is not only just like physical model can be configured in, for example was rectangular, because smoking does not reach the designated position became half round corner.
The vacuum forming packaging is not available.
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