Gang used floor cutting machines | Pune News - Times of India
Pune: according to the survey, the gang used a floor cutting machine to cut the thick metal plate of the ATM.
Ashok Kshirsagar, inspector at the Shirur police station, said, \"at the Ranjangaon ATM, the police team found that the gang had cut off the ATM and had almost arrived in cash
We were told by bank officials that the machine had RS 43.
Kshirsagar said the gang used a similar method to Rob Rs 7 lakh from Shikrapur\'s ATM machine on December 27 and from Koregaon\'s ATM machine on December 31.
They will first identify an ATM where an elderly security guard is deployed.
They beat the guards and took his cash and cell phone.
One of them will stand with the guards while several others will be on duty outside.
Several of them will cut the thickness of the ATM with a floor cutting machine.
Kshirsagar said they also opened the ATM with Tommy.
To divert the neighbor\'s attention to the noise of the machine, the suspect pulled down the shutter on and off the ground.
Kshirsagar said this was done to make people think the guard is working on the shutter.
In no more than 30 minutes, they will break the machine and then handle it in cash.
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Ashok Kshirsagar, inspector at the Shirur police station, said, \"at the Ranjangaon ATM, the police team found that the gang had cut off the ATM and had almost arrived in cash
We were told by bank officials that the machine had RS 43.
Kshirsagar said the gang used a similar method to Rob Rs 7 lakh from Shikrapur\'s ATM machine on December 27 and from Koregaon\'s ATM machine on December 31.
They will first identify an ATM where an elderly security guard is deployed.
They beat the guards and took his cash and cell phone.
One of them will stand with the guards while several others will be on duty outside.
Several of them will cut the thickness of the ATM with a floor cutting machine.
Kshirsagar said they also opened the ATM with Tommy.
To divert the neighbor\'s attention to the noise of the machine, the suspect pulled down the shutter on and off the ground.
Kshirsagar said this was done to make people think the guard is working on the shutter.
In no more than 30 minutes, they will break the machine and then handle it in cash.
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