Common vacuum forming machine
Fine art valve: accelerate the development of packaging machinery industry - Union star packaging machinery
Is in a process of accelerated development in our country, as a free and open market, the door has been open to China's pharmaceutical packaging companies, and the development of science also said China's pharmaceutical machinery and equipment to constantly update and improve to out of China, towards the world, the problem is that when our pharmaceutical packaging enterprises to go out to succeed in what way?
China's packaging machinery can open the us market, on the one hand, related to China's packaging machinery technology, on the other hand is also associated with the shape of the packaging machinery market.
Current U. S. pharmaceutical packaging machinery manufacturers & other;
Polarization & throughout;
Phenomenon is obvious.
Represented by testing instruments, code device of the cabinet and delicate electronic products in the United States thrive;
With heat shrinkable packaging machine, wrapping machine and sealing machine universal packaging machinery is also a very specific gravity;
With filling machine, labeling machine, sealing machine to give priority to large packaging machinery production line, basically have not production in the United States, almost all market for imported equipment, especially German, Italian manufacturer production equipment occupied.
If the automatic packing machine, labeling machine, sealing machine and manipulator device, such as the pharmaceutical machinery made in China can't compete with Germany, Italy, Japan product, so in some low-tech products, at present a lot of the production of packaging machinery in China, have been able to meet the requirements of the U. S. market, and the most possible breakthrough in a short time.
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