China's petrochemical industry to rebound 'bottom out' new channel
Was held in Beijing in a few days ago, reporters of the China petroleum and chemical industry economy news conference, according to China's petrochemical industry bag yesterday a year's main export total revenues, profits, three key indexes and the fastest pace in six years.
This annotation adjustment and vibration after nearly 3 years, China's petrochemical industry formally took to the new channel 'bottoming rebound'.
2017 is the migration of economic operation of the oil and chemical industry shift.
In accordance with the party in the middle, the strategic deployment of the State Council, petrochemical industry adhere to deepen the reform of the supply side structural, vigorously promote innovation drive and transformation and upgrading, the capacity, structure adjustment and innovation ability, green development, international cooperation, petrochemical industrial park and so on to realize the new breakthrough, hand over a better than expected, sparkling highlights its growth answer: continuously optimize product structure, synthetic materials, basic chemicals and specialty chemicals for chemical industry group the contribution rate of total more than eighty percent increase in revenue and profit;
Industry efficiency continue to improve, the main income margin of record for 4 years;
Industry energy efficiency promoted steadily, and the total energy consumption in the third quarter of 2017 years ago made history lowest on growth, etc.
Relevant analysis, the current petrochemical industry there are still many provocative and restricting factors, resource constraints, increasingly stringent and structural contradictions still bump, investment land for three years.
In addition, the r&d input is low, old and new kinetic energy conversion is slow, benefit level remains to be further promoted and trade friction intensified, etc. , will restrict industry high quality development.
Combined with the current domestic and international economic environment and petrochemical industry is facing the opportunity and the challenge of seo website optimization, federation of China petrochemical, China's petrochemical industry in 2018 will be on a journey in the development of high quality record, the industry's main income will increase by about 10%, profits will increase 5% of the total import and export volume will increase by 10%.
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