Common vacuum forming machine
Briefly describes the structure of the system cup machines feature
Important by the fuselage of the mechanical structure of the cup and the machine, system cup installation and sheet transfer mechanism to form, briefly describes the structure of the machine characteristics.
Cup machine mechanical characteristics is important sheet shall be set up at one end inside the cup machine at the exit of the fuselage, the other end by sliding the institutions and the fuselage cohesion;
Sheet transfer mechanism is the chain transmission mechanism, including the chain conveyor belt and chain row;
Sheet transfer mechanism is the chain transmission mechanism, the lid machine include chain conveyor belt and chain row seat, chain conveyor belt front by sliding mechanism and connected to the fuselage, the back-end join chain row seat, chain row seat by sliding the institutions and the fuselage cohesion;
Sliding the slippery course of cohesion on the institutions included in the fuselage and chain in row seat with the coordination with the slide block;
Sliding mechanism includes chain walks in front of machine belt pulley and the fuselage and the roller track.
With sliding cohesion agencies and institutions, and chain transmission mechanism can along the slide backward, making mold, exchange of lower die can be inconvenient.
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