- automatic vacuum molding machine maintenance plan Union star packaging machinery
On the basis of fully automatic vacuum molding machine technical parameter table, mechanics when maintenance should be done well and keep detailed process records.
All electrical devices in the repairing, repairing and connecting equipment of had better be to make a clear sign, and draw the brief with intention, in order to avoid error during the installation.
And the data should be accumulated and reserves, automatic vacuum molding machine mechanics will form.
Repair the mounting parts, screws, nuts, small parts, small parts, such as easy to lost, scattered items, used a small box or plastic bags placed centrally, to form a bad habit.
All equipment and assembly, to every class, the next day or substitution ability for installation, dividing the components in a secure place, recover the overhaul shop small parts, not randomly scattered on the operation station.
Mechanics to repair downtime, or in the process of repair to electricity boot device, or repair the equipment cannot be used immediately, to transcend shift time, or repair equipment, able to boot, all want to contact the operator.
Such as downtime repair time is longer, the development of domestic packaging market to inform the production department, set in operators on original record repair content, time, etc.
Remove the mold, screw, shaft, gear motor movement, on the easy damage parts, such as the ground mat board or cardboard, avoiding the damage parts.
Are not allowed to use a hammer or hard tapping shaft end directly, nor license directly from shaft end crashed to the ground, must use copper bar or mat board at this time.
All disassembling device, due to the oil or sticky oil parts may pollute the ground, the ground should first cardboard or film.
After the equipment repair, equipment and ground settlement shall be clean.
Repair automatic vacuum molding machine equipment, must pay attention to themselves and others safety.
Especially when the boot device, its full equipment has its don't personnel, be sure to tips, take care of each other.
Charged repair, must be done according to the rules.
Do not live alone equipment installation or repair.
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