Automatic vacuum molding machine commonly used packaging sheet parsing - Union star packaging machinery
Automatic vacuum molding machine used in the packing sheet called plate, or film, some of the commonly used are: PET plate, PVC plate, PS plate.
PS plate density low, relatively poor toughness, easy to burn, also can produce styrene gas during combustion, so are commonly used to produce all kinds of industrial plastic tray.
PVC plate medium toughness, not easy combustion, the combustion will produce chlorine, certain effects on the environment, PVC heat sealing, can adopt sealing side sealing machine and high frequency machine, is the important material in the manufacture of the clear plastic machinery products.
PET plate good toughness, high transparency, easy burning, burning does not produce harmful gases, belong to the environmental protection material, but the price is high, the right to do high-grade suck plastic machinery products, fully automatic vacuum molding machine 's shell of European and American countries generally requires a PET plate, but it is not easy to heat sealing, bring to encapsulate very difficult, in order to solve this problem, people on the PET surface composite layer of PVC film, named PETG plate, but the price is higher.
Large fully automatic vacuum molding machine forming technology for the development of large automatic vacuum molding machine molding process has three elements: the large plastic raw materials, forming equipment and setting conditions and forming mold.
Large fully automatic vacuum molding machine materials forming into products, the first question is a large fully automatic vacuum molding machine material formability, namely the ease of forming.
This is not only related to its physical, chemical and mechanical properties, and plasticizing, material and process flow, process conditions of progressive die.
Important on solve the problem in the past people's experience, but experience is limited, can't perfectly solve the problem.
Many scholars have conducted a lot of practical and experimental research work, with imitation calculation machine forming process has entered the stage of practical application.
Add increasingly along with the large varieties of automatic vacuum molding machine, products have been expanding, forming process has been innovation.
With injection molding and extrusion molding innovation most, plate hot forming technology is also developing rapidly.
Devices will become more and more high degree of automation, the computer full automatic control, has been implemented in extrusion, injection, hot forming.
Mould design and production are still behind the development of the equipment and process approach, important body now the mold design and low level of production, production cycle is long, use short life.
Au XingQuan automatic vacuum molding machine /
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