About the application of vacuum molding machine
High quality vacuum machine and large volume vacuum tank, high vacuum, pressure stability, mechanical movement, temperature, vacuum degree and pressure are the electrical automatic control.
It is suitable for all kinds of the surface of the plate blister, used for complex structure and surface pattern more artifacts, the effect is more significant.
According to the degree of automation of high and low to meet the needs of different class size enterprises.
Semi-automatic vacuum forming machine, in the form of vacuum forming in the production of various specifications of packaging products, including ChanGong (
Single head)
Semi-automatic vacuum molding machine name again: machine, mainly used in the mold factory to the customer use gypsum mold, playing board to do.
Blister mold positioning system generally consists of die sets up and down, up and down mould cylinder or cylinder and the composition of synchronous mechanism.
Its role is to blister mold have stepped up localization, and to mold and vacuum pipe connection.
Localization way manual screw locking or pneumatic automatic locking in two ways.
Thick slices blister like chip blister principle, is to locate a good plank through oven heated to softening state, the blister mould with form around confined Spaces and sucking air in the cavity moment, this plate in the mold surface, after heating process of obtained products.
Vacuum forming is a process of circulation, each cycle mainly includes: material -
Heating softening -
Blow pre-drawn -
Blister -
Cooling stereotypes -
Demoulding pick-up.
After take out the plastic sheet placed (again
Can be received or automatic)
For the next cycle.
Moulding, also known as mechanical stretch forming, is in the form of single mode or to die, with the help of plus mechanical pressure or weight, plastic sheets with molding into various parts of the molding method.
Male mold refers to the shape of the mould is convex, cavity die refers to die of the concave shape, mold molding products only one side, the other side when it is exposed to the air, it is different from a forming process and forming.
This method can be suitable for basic all thermoplastics.
Thermoplastic plastic sheets and film in the vacuum forming process, the main heating sheet is one of the process.
The duration of the electric heating and quality depends on the structure of the heater, after radiation surface temperature of the heat transfer of thermal inertia, the distance between the sheet and heater, radiation absorption coefficient and characteristics and thermal physical properties of materials on the surface of the heater.
Commonly used radiator heater electric heater, crystal and infrared heater.
Principle of vacuum forming machine, vacuum forming and hot forming, the forming process is mainly generated by vacuum pump vacuum suction will soften after PVC, PET, PETG, APTT, PP, PE, PS etc hot plasticity plastic sheet after mold suction vacuum hood shaped into various shapes, or stick attached to various shapes the surface of the product.
Blister according to the thickness of the sheet is divided into thin slices of blister and thick slices blister.
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